• Investor engagement & ESG Disclosure


Transforming tomorrow

For Berkeley Group, property development is all about long-term regeneration that unlocks social and economic value. With this in mind, we set out to more clearly articulate the company’s values, vision and strategy, as well as its regard for all stakeholders.

The report highlights how Berkeley understands the importance of long-term transformation, investing in the communities around its developments and keeping placemaking at the heart of its approach.

From an investment perspective, the report showcases how transforming underused places into successful neighbourhoods creates greater economic, social, environmental and commercial value over the development cycle.

To reinforce the value-creation story, we highlighted how Berkeley put people at the heart of the decision-making process, manage sites that are complex to develop and maintain a clear focus on sustainability through ESG initiatives and biodiversity net gains.


Best Annual Report, FTSE 100 IR Society Awards

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